Star Trail : Realms of Arkania II FAQ
Star Trail : Realms of Arkania II An Unofficial FAQ (v2)
I have cobbled together this FAQ of info for Star Trail from a
number of messages posted by people to usenet; if I've not
credited you for info in the game please forgive me, it's not
intentional. I have rounded off the FAQ with some data at
the end noted from spells and experience in the game.
The FAQ is split into general questions and questions on
particular parts of the game.
If you have any additions/corrections, pop them in an e-mail to me.
This is really a second "draft" at a FAQ; I'll take any more
comments and add them later and repost (and STILL I haven't finished
the game myself ;-)
Credits: Garfield (
Bobbie (
Dirk (
Rick (
Lance (
Ernst (Ernst.Eigenbauer@VM.AKH-WIEN.AC.AT)
Drifter (
Clark (
Mike (
Lord Soth (
Barbara (
Scott (author of a mini-FAQ)
+ others!
Enjoy! Tim (
Star Trail is touted as a "fantasy role playing simulation", the
reason being that there is a lot of attention to detail in the game.
The game system is based on the (supposedly) popular German role
playing system called "Das Schwarze Auge".
The game comes with a manual, reference card and a fold-out colour
map of the realm. The map covers about 400 by 300 miles of land,
and has over a dozen villages/towns marked on it. The manual is
70+ pages, thoughtfully written and well indexed. There are no
details of monsters or weapons in the manual, but there is enough
info to get you going and involved in the game. A separate clue
book (I don't have it) retails for #13.99 or so.
The game features 3D graphics in towns and dungeons (similar to
'Arena: Elder Scrolls', but oddly without the people - encounters
either yield pop-up menus or combat). Combat is isometric and
turn-based with good, but not great, graphics. On the CD version
there are combat sounds, including spell chants. Travel between
towns is done on an overhead map, with movement restricted to
paths that you find.
Characters can be from any of 12 races, and have around 50 skills
they can develop, and a larger number of spells. You can skip a
lot of the detail by playing in "novice" mode. There's a fair
chance that if you'd like a cross between 'Arena' and 'Betrayal at
Krondor', you'd like this game.
The reference card says the game needs a 386PC or better (486/33
is recommended), 4Mb RAM (though it says only 2Mb on the box!),
580k of free base RAM, 670k min EMS and 64k min XMS (which is a
bit of a pain, especially on the CD version). The CD version,
which I have, claims to need 31Mb of HD space too. Sound support
looks good. I played on a DX2/66, 8Mb, SB16 with no trouble.
Graphics appear to be regular VGA.
The game comes on 3.5" disk or CD; I got CD and thus have some
extra graphics (though I'm not sure where!) and digitised speech,
which seems to pop up in cut scenes. To install the full game
from CD to HD would take over 100Mb, but luckily you only need a
fraction of that to play off the CD. Copy protection is a one
word lookup the first time you save in any game session.
Star Trail has a relatively free-flowing plot; there are some
linear elements, but you can spend a lot of time wandering
rather aimlessly early on! To start off, save the woman being
attacked by Orcs SW of the starting town - this gets you a bonus
two levels of experience. Then make your general way towards
the Finsterkamm and the dwarven pit. The quest in Gashok isn't
too hard and can be completed early in the game.
If you go to sleep in the first inn SW of the starting town
you will be visited in the night by someone seeking the missing
axe called Star Trail (in fact it could be the first time you
sleep at *any* inn - not sure on this :).
(Q) My characters get ill a lot - what can I do?
Buy sleeping bags as soon as you can; these cut down on colds
and flu-type infections dramatically. Always carry herbs for
healing and curing disease. Early in the game sell off excess
ones as the cash is more useful to you.
(Q) How much food/water should I carry?
It depends where you are exploring; in mountain and desert areas
you should carry at least two full water skins each and probably
at least 6 ration packs (you can top these up with overnight
(Q) Where can I get alchemy recipes?
There aren't too many around. It may be that Realms of Arkania I
recipes will work. You'll find two in the Dwarven Pit.
Vomicum: lamp oil, shurin bulb, mandrake.
Hylailian fire: 2 brandies, licorish, 2 lamp oils.
(Q) The markets seem always shut?
No. The markets arrive one day a week in Kvirasim (Fireday) and
Gashok (Praiosday). Time your visits to the towns accordingly or
spend a few nights in an inn.
(Q) Which "obscure" spells might I need later?
These will help - the last two are certainly important:
Teleport Spell
MELT SOLID (Temple of Nameless One)
BANE GHOSTS (Temple of Phex)
The Dwarven Pit
The pit is in the Dwarven town in the Finsterkamm mountains.
Herein lies the salamander stone and a few other handy items
including a magic waterskin and a number of +5 STR belts.
It is important NOT to rob anything (the altar, the graves and
the axes) else you'll anger the Dwarven god. You may find
a rope, spade, crowbar and more than one lockpick useful for
the pit. Oh, and a torch and tinder box.
(Q) How do I get in?
You can use the back entrance, but better still ask the priest
in the temple of Ingerimm (inside the mountain) about the pit
three times and he will give you the key.
(Q) How do I get out?
Either go out the back way, or get the key from the gnome and
leave by the main entrance. The back tunnel will collapse the
first time you pass through it. The back exit is at the lowest
level. Just keep climbing down (not using the stairs) till you
can go no further. Or you can leave a character with a key
outside the double door entrance.
(Q) Where is the magical water skin?
The skin must be found in the watery level; if you turn the
wheel on the higher level the water (and the skin) drain away.
You need to turn the wheel later to get through the trapdoor
on that level (and you need a crowbar for that).
(Q) When does the hammer strike?
After getting the stone, go to the altar room with the lit torches
and stay there for a day.
(Q) What is the Asthenal Ring?
It seems to be a fire resistence ring. It's in the brazier on
the first level north and east of the main pit double door.
You will take temporary damage retreiving it. It may be useful
in the hot "hole" on a level further down, and possibly entering
there with a rope ladder and the ring on may be worth trying.
(Q) How do I get across the fire plates?
You need the leathers from the chest; wear them and put them back
when you are done (else the stairs won't come back). Take only
one set for one person. The character crossing the plates should
ideally wear the Asthenal Ring. To getto the golem you *must* use
a torch and tinder box, not magic light.
(Q) What is the answer to the gnome's riddle?
(Q) Can I get the sword and the stone?
The only way I've found to get both the sword and the Salamander Stone
and get out alive is to do things in this order: Talk to Golem first
time. Go to far SE chest and take stone *but* when offered chance to
swap or not hit ESCAPE instead of choosing. Then go back to Golem and
when he's done with the sword you'll get it.
(Q) My druid and elf aren't allowed in the pit - help!
Use spells to disguise them or make them invisible so that they
can walk past the dwarf guards.
(Q) Where are the hot plates?
In the pit, there's a shaft you can climb up or down. Go to the top,
search, and you'll find a key. Go down to the area filled with water
(you need to drain this by turning the wheel in room with the dwarfs)
Use a crowbar to open the slab, go down to this new level. There is
one door you can oen with a blank wall behind it. the new key opens
this door.
Situated just north of Lowangen, the town of Gashok has at least
one quest to solve.
(Q) I've heard the sword and bow of atherion (sp?) mentioned,
but haven't run into them in any of the dwarven pit/orc cave/phex
temple (i've been through them all in this or other games...).
where do you run into them?
To find these weapons you'll need to investigate the burnt out
mill in the town. Ask around about it, one good place in particular
is the market place area. The clues should lead you out of town
to Artherion, and you can then help him.
This is the city under seige by an Orc army.
Here you will lose the Salamander Stone when you enter the city
with it. If Antharon is with you, he will take it, if not, the
stone will get lost in the crowd. You need to recover the stone
and find the secret way out of the town. Be prepared to lose the
real Stone again when you leave town!
(Q) Can I sneak into Lowangen?
You'll have to give your non-magic items to the orcs first time
in, but after that you should find a secret passage in/out.
To keep your stuff put it in a warehouse or (much better) leave it
with another party member outside the town in a temple (you can
create just a "dummy" character or two for this).
(Q) Where is Black Jandora
Four squares west of the eastern wall, about halfway up.
Or: 4 paces north of the Rod and Mare brothel in Colorful Flight.
(Q) Who is Gavron?
Usually, a party who enters Lowangen carries the stone with them and
get it stolen by Gavron. To get it back you have to find him (wait
in the Orc Death tavern). You will also find out about the fake
stone if you get yours stolen. Or ask Dragan (close to the western
wall) about Gavron.
(Q) Where is Vidaria Leechbronn?
Her house is located in Eydal...1 pace east and 3 paces south of the
Canal Tavern.
(Q) Where is Vinsalter?
Find the Temple of Rahja on your automap, Vinsalter is five steps
west and one step south of there.
(Q) How do I get into the castle?
You`ll find out if you find Dragan and ask him about travelling.
(This is important to do!).
The Swamp
The swamp is in the middle of the main map.
(Q) How do I catch the Rantzy?
Equip a character with a net, then use it in combat, ie. equip the
net in that character's left hand.
(Q) What do I do with the Swamp Rantzy wearing the necklace?
Catch him with the net. Then find heather plants W of there. When
you get back near Lowangen use the 18th heather on him. There are
also two documents related to this problem. (Or: Go to where the
heather is. Pluck each bush, until you find the one that makes the
rantzy react. Throw away heathers that do not make him react.)
To transform the character back into a human, have a character with
adequate skills hold the rantzy, the dcoument, and the magic heather.
Use the document, then use the heather. If you do not have adequate
healing skills, wait till you are about to enter Lowengrin. If your
party has a healer, you can cure his disease and adventure with him.
(Q) How do you open the chest in the swamp?
Turn stepwise mode off to get into the chest.(!) You should then
be able to click on or press SPACE by the chest to open it. Some
people report this as being rather buggy though ... it may depend
on the character opening the chest.
[According to the sir-tech people, the only narrative requirements
to open the chest are to have been to Lowangen, and to have talked
to the witch (lady). You can email sirtech yourself
"", but if my experience is any measure,
don't expect quick or intelligent responses.]
(Q) How do I get into the tower?
Talk to the witch. It seems wise NOT to pull up the witch's herb
garden before you try to speak with her.
(Q) How do you appease the Fire Elemental?
Answer with one word at a time......
Love, Mercy, Pity, Justice, Life ... any of these will do.
Blood Peaks and the Orc Pit
Herein lies a lot of fights, a couple of NPC's and the Salamader
Stone (if you lost it "to plan"). You are brought here if you
are captured by an orc patrol near Lowangen (which is NOT good as
you lose a lot of your kit).
A port in the NW of the map, Tiefhusen contains the Temple of Phex
and is a place to go to find Star Trail.
(Q) Who do I ask about Star Trail?
Try the priest in the Hesinde(?) temple, or ask in the tavern.
(Q) Where is Hensgen?
You should be able to find him sitting by a tree outside the city
walls (I think it's in the north, but I'm not sure).
The Phex Dungeon
This dungeon is good for experience, though not a lot more.
(Q) Can I escape the first skeleton trap in the Phex dungeon?
There is a way: you should find another scroll in that region.
When you pick it up, the barrier vanishes
(Q) What is the answer to the the riddle?
(Q) How do I solve the "Memory Game" ?
You have to find the animal representing Phex.
Look into your Manual. It should become pretty clear.
(Q) How do I get the Helmet and Shield of Phex ?
When you take these items, a Poltergeist appears and blocks your way
back out. He can be dispelled using the BANE GHOSTS spell.
(Q) I searched the whole dungeon, but I still can't open some secret
passages. What must I do ?
Solve all the riddles. You also have to put 60 Ducats(sp?) into the
bowl standing on a desk (or it may be >50 Ducats, but by now 9
Ducats won't hurt you :)
Try here for the Temple of Nameless.
(Q) Can someone please tell me how to finish this level?
Do you mean the door behind the secret passage in the south-eastern
part of the level? You need a statue to open this door. Opposite the
secret passage is another secret door (on the west wall) and behind
you'll find the statue.
The Final Dungeon and the Temple of Nameless
(Q) How do I get in?
Look at the scroll you get from the Dwarf's house; it has the
letters "2L 4R 4L" on it; you have to push the walls is the right
order, ie. 2 Left, 4 Right and 4 Left from that passage.
(Q) Which four-digit code do I have to enter on one of lowest floors?
The code is 1325 and I got the answer from someone else who never
explained how *they* got it. Apparantly the code in the German
(original) version of the game is 1945; it's obtained as follows -
the answer is related to the message on the wall opposites the
stairs. You'll probably have a document with the word 'cult' on
it. Look for the letters 'c','u','l' and 't' in the message (they
should appear only once). Count the position of the letters starting
from the beginning of the row they're in (NOT from the beginning of
the word they're in)!
(Q) How do I release the girl?
To free the NPC you have to use melt solid (if you have spent more
than 100 D to HESINDE(?) during the game she will help you by
increasing melt solid by 15 points; the girl NPC will help you on
the first two levels and then disappear (too much fear).
(Q) What do I do with the 4 amulet chunks?
There is a crack near the southeast corner of the map. It requires
a sun-shaped key to open a secret door. Get all the amulet pieces
(don't worry about putting them together) then immediately go to that
crack on the wall. It should open once all the pieces are there. I
had to use teleport *a lot* to get those damn pieces.
(Q) Any other points?
- to get the key from the plant and go out of the room you have to
split your group, but you can bring out all of them.
- the visible door (first level) is an illusion.
Attack Defense
Damage Bonus Bonus Weight Type
Knife 1-6 -3 -4 10 pointed
Obsidian dagger 1-6 -2 -3 30 pointed
Kukris mengbilar (*) 2-7 -3 -4 20 pointed
Dagger 2-7 -2 -3 20 pointed
Asthenil dagger 2-7 -2 -3 20 pointed
Kukris dagger (*) 2-7 -2 -3 30 pointed
Heavy dagger 3-8 -1 -2 30 pointed
Foil 4-9 0 -1 30 pointed
Epee 4-9 0 -1 35 pointed
Rapier 4-9 0 -1 35 pointed
Wolf knife 4-9 0 -1 50 pointed
Magic wand (+) 2-7 0 0 70 polearm
Quarterstaff 2-7 0 -1 70 polearm
Catchogre 3-8 -2 -3 30 polearm
Trident 4-9 0 -3 90 polearm
Pike 4-9 -1 -4 150 polearm
Whip 1-6 0 -6 60 edged wpn
Grain flail 3-8 -2 -3 100 edged wpn
Sickle 3-8 -3 -4 30 edged wpn
Scythe 4-9 -3 -4 100 edged wpn
Seal Slayer 4-9 0 0 60 edged wpn
Cutlass 4-9 0 -1 70 edged wpn
Sabre 4-9 0 0 60 edged wpn
Mace 5-10 0 -2 110 edged wpn
Kunchomer 5-10 0 -1 70 edged wpn
Babak Bully 6-11 -1 -2 120 edged wpn
Morning Star 6-11 -1 -3 120 edged wpn
Gruufshark 7-12 -2 -4 180 edged wpn
War Hammer 5-15 -2 -4 150 edged wpn
Goupillon 6-21 -3 -4 240 edged wpn
Short sword 3-8 0 -1 40 sword
Sword 5-10 0 0 80 sword
Asthenil Sword 5-10 0 0 80 sword
Sword of Artherion 6-11 +3 -1 80 sword
Rondracomb 4-14 -2 -2 150 2-handed
Bastard sword 6-11 -1 -2 140 2-handed
Two-handed sword 6-16 -2 -3 160 2-handed
War axe 6-16 -1 -4 150 2-handed
Skraja 4-9 0 -2 90 axe
Hatchet 5-10 0 -3 120 axe
Halberd 5-10 -1 -3 150 axe
Orc hook 6-11 -1 -3 120 axe
Short bow 4-9 0 0 20 missile
Long bow 5-10 0 0 30 missile
Bow of Artherion 7-12 0 0 30 missile
Crossbow 7-12 0 0 200 missile
Heavy crossbow 8-13 0 0 220 missile
Throwing knife 1-6 -3 -4 10 thrown
Shurikan 2-7 0 0 15 thrown
Born thorn 3-8 -1 -3 30 thrown
Francesca 4-9 -1 -3 60 thrown
Throwing axe 4-9 -1 -4 120 thrown
Cutting tooth 5-10 0 0 50 thrown
(*) weapon carries poison
(+) can hold special charges
Note certain weapons can only be used by certain character races.
Name AR Hind At Pa Weight
Quilt Armor 2 2 1 1 120
Leather Armor 3 3 1 2 180
Toad Skin Armor 3 3 1 2 150
Chain Shirt 4 4 2 2 320
Scale Armor 5 4 2 2 480
Shield 1 0 0 0 140
Iron Shield 2 1 0 -1 200
Leather Cap 1 0 0 0 90
Pot Helm 2 1 0 1 100
Iron Helm 3 2 1 1 180
Leather Greaves 1 0 0 0 70
Chain Greaves 2 2 1 1 80
Plate Greaves 2 1 0 1 100
Skull girdle - - - - 10 Necrophobia -4
Name Lvl At Pa AR MR Att Dam LP AP
Orc 1 3 0 2 -17 1 3-8 13 0
Stag Beetle 1 8 2 3 10 1 2-7 30 0
Frost spider 1 9 0 1 10 1 2-7 16 0
War Ogre 13 17 14 6 0 1 8-18 60 0
Goblin 3 7 3 2 4 1 4-9 18 0
Lion 1 11 6 1 4 2 5-10 40 0
Elf 4 12 9 3 4 1 5-10 44 20
Harpy 1 15 10 2 10 1 5-10 40 0
Forest gnome 1 14 6 6 7 1 7-12 28 0
Tusk tiger 1 15 7 1 -2 2 5-20 52 0
Robber 8 15 12 3 5 1 7-12 57 0
Deregon (*) 10 8 6 2 6 1 7-12 62 0
Exholt (*) 10 16 14 3 6 1 7-12 72 0
Ogre 1 9 3 3 -2 1 8-18 48 0
Arkanian 3 5 3 3 -3 1 5-10 36 0
Gargoyle 1 10 5 6 12 1 7-12 60 0
Dwarf undead 8 9 5 3 5 1 7-12 40 0
(*) Individual "NPC" in game.
This is not a complete list of adversaries!
Life Points are LPs observed from healthy opponents via spellcasting;
these will vary for individual creatures. It may be that other stats
vary too (including for example their levels for orcs).
Beware the priests in Phex; they cast weapon-breaking spells.
There are a number of NPC's you can encounter. These include:
- Antharon some miles before Lowangen, he just needs the group to go
there, but if you make the dwarfen pit with him, he stays with the
group (until Lowangen, where he takes the Salamanderstone which will
be stolen anyway)
- some sort of magician (GESTALTWANDLER) in the orc pit, it did not take
him (after i knew waht he really wanted)
- some sort of Orc prisoner in the orc pit, he will just help you
fighting and leave the group when you go out the pit
- a warrior (female) in the temple of the nameless god, all she thinks
is that it is still cold (she was frozen), but she will help you in
the first two levels.
That's all - please e-mail additions/corrections to
원본 위치 <>